Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trials? A blessing?

Trials are really blessings in disguise!. Not in itself, but what they can achieve.

  • Trials 'show'/reveal what's really in our heart and help/set our mind on Christ.
  • Tests our faith (James 1:2-3)
  • Makes us patient/longsuffering/steadfast
  • Makes us mature or a wholesome Christian
  • God offers wisdom on how to deal with a particular trial (James 1:5-9)
    Hence, our response to all trials should be of extreme joy as God is doing a wonderful work in our hearts.

How can we prepare ourselves before trials come?

  • Fortify our hearts with appropriate scriptures!
  • Our minds should be saturated with God's word. This will definitely affect the way we respond or 'perceive' trials.

For example:

  • Make a list of all the questions that come to mind regarding trials. Find appropriate verses to tackle or answer these questions.
  • Study various characters from the Bible and notice how they responded to trials. But your best example should always be Our Lord Jesus. Others include Job, Paul, Daniel, my favourite Joseph, David, Mary and so many more.
  • Memorize specific portions of scriptures and constantly meditate on them.
  • Be in constant prayer. This is so often neglected in our Christian circles. Remember, Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed before He went to the cross. And that is what we should be doing. We don't know when trials may come, but come they will.

To be continued


Caroline Kaunds said...

It is so important to saturate our mind with scripture and to be prepared...Trials reveals our true nature and how we respond to it show whether we are having an intimate relationship with the Lord..

Naiesha said...

The one thing I love about trials that it gives me a peek into my own heart. We can be so conceited about our spiritual state that something like a trial will bring out the truth!

Our Heavenly Father is gracious and desires that we be the true partakers of His holiness and that too in our inward parts!!( the real us)