Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

"What a friend we have in Jesus" is one of my favorite hymns. It was written by Joseph Scriven who came to believe in Jesus Christ after losing his bride-to-be on the eye of their marriage. She was drowned a couple of hours before she became his bride. We can never imagine his pain and anguish. But isn't it amazing that he found true peace and rest in the arms of His Savior Jesus Christ. Please read the lyrics of this song keeping in mind Joseph who lost his beloved!!

 What a friend we have in Jesus, 
 all our sins and griefs to bear! 
 What a privilege to carry 
 everything to God in prayer! 
 O what peace we often forfeit,
 O what needless pain we bear, 
 all because we do not carry 
 everything to God in prayer. 

 Have we trials and temptations? 
 Is there trouble anywhere? 
 We should never be discouraged; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 
 Can we find a friend so faithful 
 who will all our sorrows share? 
 Jesus knows our every weakness; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 

 Are we weak and heavy laden, 
 cumbered with a load of care? 
 Precious Savior, still our refuge; 
 take it to the Lord in prayer. 
 Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? 
 Take it to the Lord in prayer! 
 In his arms he'll take and shield thee; 
 thou wilt find a solace there.


Caroline Kaunds said...

It was different going thru the lyrics after knowing the background...thanks for sharing!

Naiesha said...

Oh I am so glad you read! :)